First a brief disclaimer. Your deer may like things that my deer don't and vice versa. Don't assume that plants that have been field tested in our backyard will hold up in Hoboken. It is also important to understand that deer are incredibly adaptable. Something that may have been unappetizing last year may be this year's first course.
With that being said Vitex (usually Vitex agnus-castus in the north but sometimes Vitex negundo - both are called Chastetree) seems to be a proven winner. This small shrub-like tree is hardy to zone 6. In the north we treat it like a large perennial cutting it back by 2/3rds in mid spring. The plant develops a wonderful lilac blue flower that reveals itself on long spikes in mid July. A tough plant that will also take the salty air and does not mind dappled shade.
Holds up extremely well in areas of high deer traffic.